
hojla, hi, hello, welcome to my little unfinished corner of the web, rudimentary html and cringe galore, have fun,,, or dont
experts say you should hover over everything because this loser lovese the css transition property
find the phrogs. can you find them all?
phrogee says:
just remembered the time i was interviewed live on the radio and felt so utterly mortified afterwards that i sat in my room and ate an entire jar of olives for dinner in complete silence
provide my growing
children sustenance

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

how could you.
woosh! a random portal shows up outta the blue, but where does it go?

iunno, step in and find out
hey you there! hard refresh if i've recently updated the site via ctrl + shift + r                          thanks
care for a sitemap

in these trying times?