it is may. i've been working on this since before may.
this is a thing i might have noticed in passing speaking daily, but never paid it that much mind, on occasion i would recall this factoid and lament despair over it, for a fleeting moment, but it had become more and more jarring to me, ever since i joined my high school choir and especially since i recently mentioned it to my roommate, which has resulted in her mocking me in jest for the past month.


AUGH. the agoNY! and so i've been attempting to learn, but all it has resulted in was a sad r'uh sound, and as i metaphorically lay dejected on the ground from another fruitless attempt, in saunters my beloved roommate, malicious glee evident in her eyes as she goes 'vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' in a perfect arc of notes.
'you wound me.' i would say and then she would repeat herself multiple times in return.
but we have what i lovingly call 'an extended weekend', because calling this a school holiday would be offensive to my winter holidays. and as such, for the past three days, ive t r a i n e d. every day. when i wake up, throughout the day, right before falling asleep i'd try. rrr. rughhhrh. ruh ruhr uh. AUGH. but i'm starting to get the hang of it. i googled, in agony, why i couldn't roll my r's, and unless i have some mutant tongue, i can learn. that was all i needed. ONE MILISECOND AT A TIME. i will take that one MILiSEconD longer that i can roll my r's as a complete and FULL VICTORY, each milisecond i go, 'im comin for ur ass roomie.'
before bed, after working on this webbie

muscle memory baby, don't fail me now.

i was doing it in the shower this morning and my poor beloved mother who has had to listen to me for the past few days thought we had a bird in our bathroom.
probably a dying one but she didn't want to mention that
'do you always type this dramatically?' myes, amongst my many silly dreams and aspirations is being able to type like a sad victorian child.

anyway i can now proudly say that i can roll my r's for an entire, and FULL one (1) second.